“Promoting student success in all areas, as we strive for academic excellence while maintaining fiscal responsibility.”

The RSU #38 School Board met on April 10, 2019, for the final FY20 School Budget meeting.

At the April 3rd meeting the board was informed that the health insurance rates came in at a 0% increase which resulted in reducing the proposed budget by $214,485.00.  In addition, the propane, heating fuel, and diesel bids came in lower than expected saving the district almost $38,000.  Several other reductions were made to requested positions, maintenance contracts and projects.  Please visit the Maranacook Website at http://www.maranacook.org/budget/for a complete list of the Summary of Budget Changes as well as all the budget documents for the FY20 budget development.

At the April 10thmeeting, the proposed budget included further reductions as well as an increase of a Grade 5 teacher at Readfield Elementary School and the increase of one day to the Technology Integrationist position.

The following documents were distributed:

FY20 Summary Budget – Board Approved 4.10.19

20 Revenue Summary 4.10.19

20 Revenues Local 4.10.19

20 Summary Budget Changes 4.10.19

The RSU #38 School Board voted to adopt the proposed Version 5, RSU #38 FY20 School Budget, for a total of $18,591,474.00, which represents a 3.75% increase over FY19. In addition, the Board voted to adopt the proposed 20 Adult Ed Budget 4.10.19 for a total of $205,412.00.

The Annual Budget Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 15, in the Maranacook Community High School gymnasium at 7:00 pm.  At this meeting, citizens will vote on the warrant articles of the proposed FY20 RSU #38 School Budget.  Please make every effort to attend this important meeting.


Jay Charette

Superintendent of Schools

For a complete listing of all budget documents, please visit our Budget pages.