update 4/30/21

April 30, 2021

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,

The month of April has come to a close and with it has come a flurry of activity from the Maine CDC and DOE concerning COVID-19 procedures.  The chart or “dashboard” I am sharing below gives you an up to date count of student and staff cases within RSU 38. (It represents cases that were identified during the spring break and this last week of in person instruction.  These cases did not require contact tracing nor have the students been in school this week after spring break.)

We currently have 9 students testing for Covid-19.  It is also important to note that both Manchester Elementary School and Maranacook High School are identified in outbreak status.  Outbreak status does not necessitate a school having to go to remote learning.  Kennebec county was also color coded as yellow last Friday, April 16th.  That status is updated every 2 weeks with the next update coming Friday, May 7th.

As many of you are aware, the guidance concerning mask wearing outside changed this week.  What follows are the protocols we will follow here at RSU 38:

  1. Teachers bringing individual classes outside may allow students to take off their masks if appropriately social distanced. (6 ft or more of distance between individuals)

  2. Recess at the elementary level will continue to use masks until further notice. (This will be re-evaluated if and when Kennebec county is moved back to green, our schools get removed from the outbreak list, and a plan for social distancing elementary students without masks can be developed that is age appropriate.)

  3. Sport teams at the high school and middle school no longer have to wear masks during practice or competition.  Each sport has individual rules that address social distancing in the context of the activity.  Athletes and coaches have been informed.

  4. Spectators are welcomed at outdoor athletic events.  Masks are not required of spectators but we ask that family cohorts appropriately social distance - 6ft or more between individuals not in the same household. If you plan to visit another school we respectfully ask our fans to follow the “house rules” of the competition site.

  5. With these changes please be aware that masks are required of everyone when in a school building or on a bus.

Thank you for helping us navigate the changes in a positive and constructive fashion that allows us to keep an eye on health and safety while beginning the process of loosening restrictions.  I am looking forward to a positive, energized last few weeks of school that will bring us those long awaited better days.  Thank you for your support! Go Bears!


James Charette

Superintendent of Schools