
September 18, 2021

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,

I reach out to you today with a brief summary of some key topics from this past week of school.  First, I am sharing our current status of covid cases and those affected by quarantine as of end of the day on Friday  Please also, note the cumulative information in the lower right hand corner.

Included is a simplified version of how quarantine is determined. (Taken directly from the DOE standard operating procedure.)  It is important to note the first column speaks to outside of school exposures and the 2nd tow apply to school.  Exposure away from school determinations are not within the control of school officials  (child care setting, community events, recreational activities, etc.).

 Included here is a symptom screener for your reference. We cannot stress strongly enough if your child is not feeling well to have them stay home.  Keeping our schools open to in-person learning will only be successful with your cooperation. 

Thank you for your continued commitment to working with us in following our district protocols in the interest of staff, students, and community health and safety.

Transportation up date for the upcoming week:

  • We, unfortunately, will not be able to provide busing for Mt. Vernon Bus # 29 on Monday September 20th. 

  • We will only have AM transportation for Readfield bus #12 on Tuesday, September 21 please plan for alternative transportation for the return trip home.  

  • If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to your building principal or Kelly Thompson, transportation manager.  

On a positive note, within the past 7 days we have had 3 new drivers join our team, they will be working through their training process and will be available to serve our district by the end of next week.  We also have 3 more permitted drivers awaiting their road exam.  We are thankful for your support through this process of building what we believe will be one of the best transportation teams in our state.  

Finally, I am respectfully asking that when receiving calls from our nursing staff concerning COVID you remember that these individuals are only delivering the message.  Nobody wants to receive those phone calls and truthfully the nurses who are making the calls don’t want to have to make them. That being said, the verbal abuse that has been directed at them is unacceptable.  Thank you to all those families that have been cooperative and respectful in what is an uncomfortable, stressful and taxing situation.  To those families that have made the calls into verbal confrontations remember our nurses are the messenger and despite the situation you must treat them with respect and kindness. They do not deserve to have your frustration and anger directed at them and it will not be tolerated.  Our RSU communities are better than that and our nursing team deserves your support in these challenging times.  Thank you.

Have a great weekend everyone! Go Bears!!!


James Charette

Superintendent of Schools