
March 20, 2020

Dear Families,

Iā€™d like to start by thanking you for your patience with the schools during this unprecedented health care crisis.  We want to acknowledge that students and their families are doing their best to navigate through a barrage of constantly changing information.  The recent declaration of a civil state of emergency by Governor Mills was certainly a game changer. Our world has changed dramatically in the span of less than a full week with guidance and recommendations continuing to evolve on a daily basis. With this in mind Iā€™d like to give you some updates as to what actions RSU 38/Maranacook Area schools are taking moving forward. 

The current school closure will be extended to April 26. (The week of April 19th will continue to  be designated our spring vacation week.)

We are currently planning remote learning opportunities for our students.  Staff has begun the process and building principals will be communicating next week how and when to get materials. Our target date to begin remote learning is Monday, March 30. (This date may be sooner depending on how quickly materials can be ready and plans can be put into place.)

Food service is going to change based on feedback we have received. Please note the following changes:

  • Mount Vernon Elementary School continues to be our distribution site.

  • Our site will distribute meals on the following days only: Monday and Wednesday

    • Monday (Breakfast and lunch for 2 days) Wednesday (Breakfast and Lunch for 3 days.)

    • Pick up time will remain between 7:00 and 9:00 am.

    • Meals are free for ALL students in Pre-K thru 12th grade.

  • Maranacook Community Middle and High Schools  will offer food pantry pick up on Fridays from 3:00 to 5:00 pm weekly. Contact Dr. Conway via email: for more information.

Schools will remain closed to non-essential personnel and entrance will be based on social distancing guidelines from the CDC and the MDOE.  If you need anything from the schools I encourage you to call ahead and speak to the building principal to arrange pickup or drop off. 

The central office will continue for the time being to be open 8:00 - 3:00 pm. Monday thru Thursday.  Fridays by appointment only. We are open but closed to the general public. We respectfully ask that you conduct business via phone or email. 

In this very challenging time I hope everyone will look to our community schools as a source of support. Although we will adhere to the recommendations around social distancing, hand washing, etc. for the health of everyone this does not have to mean social isolation. If you need anything as we work through these next several weeks please reach out to any of our caring staff, you are not alone!  I will continue to provide updates as we rollout remote learning, monitor the developments of Covid-19, and make decisions about returning to school. There will be more questions than answers in the short term but I will do my best to provide answers and information as it becomes available. In the meantime, stay healthy and safe!


James Charette

Superintendent of Schools