It is with a heavy heart that I pass along the decision by the Maine Principal's Association to cancel the spring sports season (includes middle school). Here is a copy of the press release:
It is with regret that the Maine Principals’ Association announces the cancellation of the 2020 spring athletic season. Please know that this was not a decision that was taken lightly, but one that the leadership at the MPA felt necessary to help support the recommendations from our Governor’s Office, the Maine CDC, and Commissioner Makin, and the Department of Education, that schools across the state not come back in session and provide remote and distance learning opportunities for the remainder of the school year. We understand the importance that these athletic and performing arts programs play in the lives of students, their families, and their communities, but also recognize that these education-based activities are a part of the overall educational experience and at this time of uncertainty to adhere with the recommendations of staying at home, maintaining social distancing, and avoiding face-to-face instruction and large group gatherings, is crucial for us to persevere.
We want to recognize the efforts of the hard-working dedicated educators across the entire state as they provide distance learning opportunities to students in Pre-K through 12th grade and to thank them for their work during this COVID-19 crisis. We also want to recognize the important role that coaches and advisors play in the lives of our young people and would encourage them to continue to reach out to their team members to provide the emotional support that so many students need during this time of uncertainty.
The Maine Principals’ Association is a professional association representing Maine’s K-12 principals, assistant principals, and career and technology center directors. The Association dates to 1921 and focuses its work on promoting the principalship, supporting principals as educational leaders, and promoting and administering interscholastic activities in grades 9-12.